====== Secret Quirks ====== //Work In Progress// had a large number of secret Quirks which popped up over the course of the game. Many, but not all, were associated with Concepts. Here is a list of all of them. ===== Concept Quirks ===== Though the number of Concepts in the Transcendental is probably infinite, some had a prominent role to play in //Work In Progress//. When a Muse came into contact with a particular section of the Transcendental, they became more inclined to behave in ways which aligned with the Concept associated with that section. Over the course of the game, this was represented by the ‘Touched by’ Quirks, which would remain even after the connection to the Transcendental was severed. However, this alignment could only remain so long as the Muse did not come into contact with another part of the Transcendental, given this would realign them towards a new Concept. As such, player could only ever have one ‘Touched by’ Quirk at a time. These roleplaying effects were optional, though actions that aligned with the Concept would be more likely to succeed. All of them were (+ / -), providing advantages and disadvantages. Sometimes a sentient Concept would take advantange of a Muse’s ongoing closeness to them and the Transcendental, using them as a conduit for their own powers – though under the Muse’s control. These would usually manifest as one-use powers that players could use, either in session or in turnsheets. In addition, Conceptual Weapons were items brought from the Transcendental which transmitted the power of their associated Concept. These were one of the only ways to actually hurt Concepts in Dream. Wielding one of these would sometimes, though not always, grant the Quirk ‘Touched by Violence’. Aside from all of these, Concepts would occasionally provide other boons listed below. ==== The Agent ==== * **Touched by Agency (+ / -)**: You feel an urge towards playing an active part in events. Furthmore, actions where you make a change in the world are more likely to succeed, while allowing things to happen to you is more likely to fail. ==== The Ancestral Sword ==== * **Conceptual Weapon: The Ancestral Sword (+)**: Steeped in prophecy, handed down from mentor to student. At least – that’s what the label says. ==== The Architect ==== * **Touched by Perfection (+ / -)**: You feel the need to reach the Utopia you see within the snowglobe, actions that unify and strive for a better world, as well as altruistic actions, will receive a boost. While actions that go against establishing what is seen in the snowglobe will be less successful. * **Item: The Utopia Snowglobe (+)**: This fun snowglobe will show you (one of) the current best-case scenario(s) of Jo’s Dream and its inhabitants. In session you may look through it to find what any player may be doing in this Utopia, you may also invite other players to do the same. ==== The Bell, the Book and the Candle ==== * **Touched by Ritual (+ / -)**: You feel an urge towards ritualistic, solemn and formalised actions. Furthmore, ritualistic actions are more likely to succeed, while informal, unceremonious actions are more likely to fail. ==== The Big Bad ==== * **Touched by Evil (+ / -)**: You feel yourself overcome with feelings of greed, anger and selfishness, with the need to conquer or beat down others. * **Favour Owed: The Big Bad (+ / -)**: The Big Bad is a very, very dangerous friend to be making. Though he does appreciate the information you have brought him and will show his gratitude accordingly. You almost feel like you made a connection there. Like, if you call out to him, he will hear you. As he is a villain, his help will always come with some sort of exchange… after all, interdimensional power has irreparable consequences. ==== The Bullet with _____’s Name On It ==== * **Conceptual Weapon: The Bullet With Herbert’s Name On It (+)**: This bullet will unerringly hunt down… Herbert. It looks like someone has written their name in the readily provided blank spot. * **Conceptual Weapon: The Bullet With Iiskana’s Name On It (+)**: This bullet will unerringly hunt down… Iiskana. It looks like someone has written their name in the readily provided blank spot. ==== The Contrived Coincidence ==== * **Touched by Coincidence (+ / -)**: Things you do and things around you are more likely to happen in strangely coincidental ways. This won’t necessarily be better or worse for you, just stranger. ==== The Equals ==== * **Touched by Equality (+ / -)**: You feel the need to achieve balance in your relationships. Gaining power over others or allowing power to be held over you is very distasteful to you. Actions where you try to redress such imbalances are more likely to succeed, while actions in which you try to create them are more likely to fail. * **Balance (+)**: In session or in turnsheets you may make the call “We are equal.” If you do so in session please call a time freeze and ask for a GM. Choose two people present (potentially including yourself): the balance of power between them is equalised. * **Equalised (+ / -)**: You are equal in power to another, and nothing you do can change that. There is a mental connection between you that maintains this balance. ==== The Gunslinger ==== * **Touched by Violence (+ / -)**: You feel an urge towards violent destructive actions. Furthmore, violent attacks you commit are more likely to succeed, while actions to protect or heal are more likely to fail. ==== Immortality ==== * **Touched by Immortality (+ / -)**: Rejoice! You have been lucky enough to have your body preserved to live out a catatonic immortality. Unlike other muses who simply Fade into the atmosphere of Dream, when you die (should you do nothing), you will return to the tomb, where you will live eternity in physical death. Both actions that promote “living” and “dead” varieties of Immortality will receive a boost. ==== The Protagonist ==== * **Touched by Fortune (+ / -)**: You feel the urge to be at the centre of the action, whether in Vignettes or not. Minor or supporting roles hold no interest for you. * **Saviour (+)**: At a point where someone other than you is on the verge of death or great peril, you may call a time freeze in session and call ‘You are Saved’ to alleviate their ailments. Can be used to remove Fading/Censorship. If you would like to remove other forms of suffering with this power, consult a GM. This power must be used in session. ==== The Renegade ==== * **Touched by Rebellion (+ / -)**: You feel the urge to break the rules and do things your own way; to challenge authority and the established order. Actions which break rules or challenge the status quo are more likely to succeed, while actions which specifically conform to rules or traditions are more likely to fail. ==== The Revolutionary ==== * **Touched by Revolution (+ / -)**: You feel the urge to question authority, to defy your superiors and do things your own way. Furthermore, actions that are revolutionary in content are more likely to succeed, while actions in which you exert authority over others are more likely to fail. * **Overthrow (+)**: To use, declare one who has oppressed you overthrown in front of your fellow victims, as so they will be. The one used on will gain the quirk **Overthrown**. * **Overthrown (--)**: Your power has been broken and you are now dependant on others. You may not gain juice by participating in vignettes or other normal means. ==== The Sage ==== * **Touched by Wisdom (+ / -)**: You feel a strong desire to consider the overarching consequences of actions, and to share this council with others. Furthermore, any action that you consider is a wise move is more likely to succeed, but anything you have doubts over is more likely to go awry. ==== The Sceptic ==== * **Touched by Doubt (+ / -)**: Actions with clear goals will usually be questioned, while actions involving debate or questioning motives/solutions are encouraged. You feel generally unsure about your choices. * **??? (N/A)**: You feel a little odd, a little… absent, sometimes, but maybe you are just overthinking things. * **???? (+ / -)**: Are you certain you are under those conditions? Your certain Quirks have been Doubted. You feel those conditions become suspended. Some form of them remain with you, but they no longer seem active. Similarly, your link with those you once subjugated remains, in some fuzzy way. You cannot draw on them. The Juice that was with you as the Quirk activated remains with you still. You can gain or lose Juice through normal means, such as participating in Vignettes or travel in the Transcendental. You have the feeling that if this "suspension" ends, your conditions would crash down on you once more. ==== The Secret Place ==== * **Touched by Secrecy (+ / -)**: You feel an urge towards keeping things hidden. Furthmore, actions that hide information and things are more likely to succeed, while actions to reveal things to others are more likely to fail. ==== The Silver Bullet ==== * **Conceptual Weapon: The Silver Bullet (+)**: When all else fails, this bullet will find evil’s one and only weakness. ==== The Tragic Hero ==== * **Touched by Fate (+ / -)**: You feel the urge to strive always for what is right and just - but deep down you know that there is no such thing as a happy ending, and Fate may have other plans for you. ==== The Trickster ==== * **Touched by Mischief (+ / -)**: You feel an urge towards mischievous, playful and even devious acts – anything to get a good laugh. If you see a good opportunity there’s little that will hold you back from acting on it – at least to a point. * **Subjugated (-)**: You have been brought under control, and can sense the whims of another influencing your thoughts and actions – even letting them swap bodies with you. You are not forced to let them, but you want to see them succeed. * **Item: Jester's Hat (-)**: A jester’s hat that you can’t seem to take off, for some reason. ==== The Tyrant ==== * **Touched by Tyranny (+ / -)**: You feel inclined to dominate, oppress and control. Actions to seize social power, or otherwise gain control over other are more likely to succeed, while those that empower or free others from your control are more likely to fail. * **Fealty (+)**: Another has taken you into their control. You get the feeling that they are better and more important than you. You are not forced to obey them, but any Juice you get is now only at their pleasure. * **Subjugate (+)**: A one-time ability that you can activate when someone shows weakness or vulnerability to you to bring them under your control. ==== The Visionary Genius ==== * **Touched by Genius (+ / -)**: You feel compelled to invent and understand great scientific inventions and how they work. You are drawn to chaotic bouts of science and want to create – regardless of if you truly understand how it works. ===== Juicetronic Inventions ===== Here are all of the Juicetronic Inventions that players had at some point or another. ==== Detainment Dodecahedron ==== Designed to detain animal Impressions in a state of stasis using very little space. ==== Flavoured Cartographer ==== A segway that is completely useless, is no faster than walking, and cannot traverse uneven ground. ==== Goggles ==== Steampunk-esque in design, that allow the user to have heightened perception and see in the dark. ==== Juice Locator ==== A fine-tuned Juice locator. ==== Miniature Tornadoes ==== These small metal plates with tornadoes attached are capable of floating and blowing things around, but at this stage they're more of an ingredient than a complete machine. ===== Other Quirks ===== Here is a list of the other secret Quirks that made an appearance. ==== Censored (TWO -) ==== There is a “CENSORED” stamp somewhere visible on your body and you can’t enter Hub or use it to reach any of the Vignettes connected to it. ==== Far Dream Warrior (+) ==== Few Muses if any are as proficient in turning their skills to fighting Impressions and Far Dream creatures as you are. ==== Favour Owed: The Dancer (+) ==== As a thanks for teaching them to accept themselves and restoring fondness over Jo’s memory of self-acceptance, The Dancer offers their services as well as the space of their paper pop-up book Vignette for you to call upon if you ever need them. While only an Impression, The Dancer has an intimate connection with Jo’s journey towards inner peace, and represents an important step in Jo’s maturity as a person. They have been around for a long time, and know a lot especially about vignettes like WAGUS, that connect to Jo on a more personal level than stories do. ==== Item: A Gun (+) ==== A literal gun. ==== Memeified (-) ==== Your thoughts keep wandering towards the phrase “At last, we have the freedom to love, the freedom to think, the freedom to choose our own fate.” It is distracting, but if you try you can keep it out. These feelings are not so strong as to be impossible to ignore. ==== Wall-Breaker (+) ==== Once per turnsheet, you may attempt to commune with Jo/The Writer and bring their attention to you or something in your vicinity. This may have additional effects. You may also attempt to use this power in session.