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Just the Facts: Edition 117.3

Their Magnum Opus

More excitement around the Magnum Opus door this week as the moulding around the frame grows more decorative and, presumably, indicative of what lies inside. Most obviously, the words “Magnum Opus” have appeared on a small plaque at the top, confirming this door’s identity. Meanwhile, the frame appears to depict a multitude of merfolk on either side, all armed and armoured – two sides in conflict, rising up to meet each other. At the very top, however, a prominent pair of merfolk seem to be shunning the violence around them and instead reach out to each other with open arms.

The door remains stubbornly closed, but Editor of Vig-Net Fisheye was on the scene earlier this week, testing out equipment which lets her see into Vignettes without entering them. She says she’s getting strong themes of love and heroism set against a backdrop of impending war and large-scale crisis, as well as personal sacrifice.

Curators from the Exhibition Hall agree that this is in line with prominent influence from the Vignettes Decadent Dreams and Journey, as well as common themes from several other fairly popular Vignettes.

Letter to the Editor

Muses of Spindle,

Once again I am pleased to see you all hard at work in the Vignettes, despite some disruptions here in Spindle.

Without further ado, the winner of this round of the Brainstorm competition under the theme of order is… Decadent Dreams, once again submitted by Lorem Ipsum. It can often be enlightening to view Vignettes in the context of their past iterations, and we were very pleased to see the contrast between the crisis brought about as a consequence in the first iteration, and the means of restoring order to that crisis in this version – without losing any narrative complexity.

Now read carefully, as there will be another alteration to the rules this round. At the upcoming Brainstorm I will be pleased to introduce Jacqueline, an up-and-coming young Muse in Pure Inspiration. She will be your “canvas”, in a way: every competition entry must include her playing a non-trivial role. Additionally, the theme this round is greenhorn. Good Luck!

Patricia d’Arte, on behalf of Pure Inspiration

Order Restored at Food For Thought

The Academy of Thought has successfully thwarted a Free Idea Forum attempt at inciting violence at the Food For Thought Café. Key Muses responsible for the incidence have been taken into custody, including their leader, a FIF covert agent named Valentina. Muses may now rest assured that those posing a threat to our society have been Censored and brought to justice.

In these trying times, the Academy of Thought urges everyone to remain calm but also vigilant. If you notice any suspicious activity, please immediately report to the Academy of Thought.

Face in A Mountain Reported

A carving has appeared on a Mountain in Far Dream, it resembles that of a face, looking rather happily into the distance. While this is not directly a breach of Academy protocol - many Muses are asking why this sculpture is present, and if there is any underlying meaning to it's presence. Further investigations to follow.

Exhibition Corner

  • Decadent Dreams enjoys more time in the limelight, but this time as a new iteration. Though the young royals still pursue their dreams, a revelation about Chambermaid Grey sees peace maintained in the kingdoms. Critics say that the ending could still use a little polish, however.
  • The previous exhibition of Journey has been removed due to technical difficulties.

[OC Note: as before, participation in any Vignette featured in the Exhibition Hall gives you the option to take the roleplaying effect of feeling more energetic than usual as you get an extra surge of Creative Juice.]

Fracking Permissible

When in possession of the proper licence, obtained through the Academy of Thought, the fracking of Vignettes in order to maximise Trope production is permitted, due to the beneficial effects this is believed to have on the economy of the Dreamscape. Such techniques have been under extensive testing, which has proven highly successful.

However, patrols will be operating to prevent any illicit Trope mining activities, which will be stopped with severe prejudice.

Unstable Vignette

Something is happening in a Vignette at the edge of Hub, causing it to emit a blinding flash of light and the sound of a loud detonation roughly every two and a half minutes. The Academy encourages Muses to investigate and stop this disturbance.

Impressions in Spindle

Spindle has recently received a large influx of Impressions. It is not particularly clear where these Impressions have originated, but we welcome them warmly and would encourage everyone to help them integrate into Vignettes suitable to their inclinations. Please note that this is perfectly normal and is nothing to worry about.

Coffee Threat

It has been noted that large numbers of Muses have been concentrating on Jo's coffee tastes, and there is concern in the Academy that this is causing an imbalance within Dream. We therefore encourage right-minded Muses to prevent this potential problem by stamping out this threat; preventing further spread of

the drink before it poses a true threat.

In particular, it has been noted that elements within Jommunity are placing a particular focus on the bean product, which is causing instability and even rioting over mere differing opinions. Such unrest will not be tolerated.

NFWS Dream Forecast

Sunny skies ahead, very sunny. Vignettes however have been showing contradicting weather, with heavy rains in drier climates, while wetter places seem to be heating up. These stark changes are likely do to the sudden rise in juice production.

Power distribution has gone back to normal, while less houses reporting outages. Energy consumption is at a low this week according to NFWS official Juice Battery Statistics.

Far Dream weather continues to be unpredictable with a low chance of highly alkaline rain and harsh winds, potentially containing sharp objects. Muses are advised to be careful on their expeditions.

This is the final NFWS Dream Forecast.

Thank you to Just the Facts for allowing us to be an impartial weather report source.