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Nightmare_Fuel Reports_D

Entry 74983: Creative Commons Established

Lorem Ipsum, the recently promoted Head Curator of the Exhibition Hall, has announced a new organisation and set of guiding principles. No longer controlled by Pure Inspiration, the Exhibition Hall is now run by a group calling themselves the Creative Commons. Although many of the members are Muses who were once part of Pure Inspiration, they are inviting any and all Muses to submit works to the Exhibition Hall, and, at least for now, seem to be upholding their ideals of a more inclusive celebration of Muse talent. The more hardline members of Pure Inspiration are notably absent from this new organisation. This includes Arthur Deceaux, who has now not been seen in over a week.

Entry 00034: Doctor Mary “Tangle” Chin Po Pin

An elusive NFWS member who for many years has blessed Spindle with her great inventions, most notably of all the Think Train. Even with numerous Censorships, Dr. Tangle remains alive and employed at with the station, preventing her indefinite detainment by the Academy of Thought. She is known to travel Far Dream in search of new materials and beings. Recently, she has been involved with The Pit, from which she has captured Juice charged mutants that have managed to become sentient. She is known to operate a lab in the basement of NFWS headquarters.

Entry 00035: The Think Train

A unique locomotive invented by Dr. Tangle. Its floating nature allows I to travel across any terrain, with specialised coatings allowing it to go through multiple vignettes unharmed makes it the perfect vehicle to traverse Far Dream. Dr. Tangle is the only person known to pilot this Think Train, as well as operate its wide range transition scanner. It is powered by compressed Creative Juice batteries and has weapons as well as analysis equipment in order to live and research in the outskirts of our world.

Entry 84398: A New Hole

Attention Muses, a new transcendental hole has been sighted right above The Pit, it was created upon deployment of a Rank ? Trope card by someone aboard the Think Train. The crack in the sky is widening the Pit below it, as well as vice versa. We believe that these two holes are converging closer and closer together at an alarming rate. NFWS members who have visited the Mundane have also noted paranormal activity, presumably due to these holes converging. This is a high alert issue and must be stopped as soon as possible.