Table of Contents


Spindle resides in the centre of the Dreamscape as we know it, populated by the Muses. It is a quaint, sleepy town with buildings inspired by the general aesthetic of the '80s in the western part of the world. In its centre is the Juice Battery, with the grey and copper buildings of the NFWS built around it. Its terrain is generally even, with small neighbourhoods of unassuming houses dotted around, in which Muses live.

No wonder it's sleepy, given we're in Dream.

Juice Battery

Dream is a manifestation of all of Jo’s thoughts and feelings throughout their life. It is powered by Creative Juices, also known as Juice: a yellow-pinkish glowing liquid contained within a vat that towers over Spindle, precariously balanced atop NFWS. This vat-like battery serves as a buffer between the collection of Juice from the Dreamscape's atmosphere and the network of Juice pipes that power Hub, NFWS, and all the Muses' Juicetronic devices. Juice can be thought of like liquid electricity. If left to pool it will resemble a puddle with static emanating off it.


Hub resembles a gargantuan train station from the outside, with a large plaza in front where Muses and Impressions gather. Within it, past the lobby where administrative personnel are stationed, there is a series of hallways lined with doors. Each door leads to a different Vignette, with each door stylised to the Vignette behind it. Each door is also powered by Juice, pulsating with shifting yellow-pinkish light as it rushes into the side of the entrance via a pipe. It is from these doors that Impressions come through into Spindle. The building is separated by floors connected by elevators, and in between the hallways of doors are restaurants and shops, wherein Impressions from different Vignettes socialise.

Exhibition Hall

Pure Inspiration don't really do subtle.

Towards the centre of Spindle stands one of the most impressive buildings: the Exhibition Hall. Resembling a museum or art gallery, the inside consists of many large, well-lit spaces for Muses to display their personal creations. From sculptures and paintings to specific Trope instantiations and miniature Vignettes containing single scenes, this is where the most accomplished Muse creations are showcased. While every event and object in Dream has a chance to influence the Works of Jo, it is the Exhibition Hall which plays host to those original Muse-driven ideas most likely to find their way into the Writer's words. If a Muse wants to push their ideas towards the forefront of Jo's mind, this is where they seek to display them.

The collection of works on display is managed by the Curators from Pure Inspiration, who are trusted with the good judgment to decide which pieces are worthy.

The Meeting Space

Within the Exhibition Hall, a room has been set aside for the largest group meeting of Muses and Impressions anyone can remember: the Brainstorms - and rightly so, for never before has there been need for such a universal call to action. As the Dreamscape begins to fail with Jo's writer's block, the Muses have come together to solve the problem and to save Dream. Every single Muse from across Spindle has been invited, along with a number of Impressions.