Table of Contents

The Children of Straxia

Content Warnings


The Good Dragon Straxia the Matron gathered orphaned Wyrmlings from across the land to raise as her own. That was, until one fateful day when a party of adventurers, hungry for loot, visited her cave and slew her.

Now, the surviving Wyrmlings must learn to overcome the differences in their background and personality or be destroyed by them. They must make their choices as to whether they will seek revenge or reconciliation. Whether they will be the Monsters the villagers think them or follow their adopted mother in trying to be something more.

After all, the choice is simple: survive together or die alone.


The setting is typical of a high fantasy role-playing game. Technology that is encountered will all be of the medieval and renaissance eras. Magic, of both a arcane and divine nature exists, but how this works is unclear, and beyond the comprehension of any of the Wyrmlings, although sorcerous characters are capable of almost anything provided time and magical resources.

The Wyrmlings are small dragons - the size and weight of a small human. They can fly, although not for long, breathe fire (or some other element dependoing on their colour) but can only do so in short bursts with rests in between. In general they are dangerous to unarmed humans but not to armed ones, who will all pose a serious danger and cannot be fought on even terms.

Key Impressions

The Fighter: Not Playable. One of Straxia's killers, not much is known about them.

The Thief: Not Playable. One of Straxia's killers, not much is known about them.

The Wizard: Not Playable. One of Straxia's killers, not much is known about them.

The Paladin: Not Playable. One of Straxia's killers, not much is known about them.

The Wyrmlings: Playable. The cast of this Vignette is as yet unset, because they are intended to represent the characters Jo's friends bring to this adventure. Hence Muses are going to need to pick up the slack and intrduce most of the key characters by simply asserting their presence in the story. In chapter one this mostly takes the forms of the Wyrmlings. Muses looking to be a Wyrmling must submit a condition and a compromise: something that they will not accept the Wyrmlings not agreeing to, and what they will concede/sacrifice to come to a compromise. Wyrmlings that cannot compromise, or at least appear to compromise do not appear in chapters 2-4. Furthermore they must indicate why Straxia is important to this Wyrmling.

Reasonable Impressions to introduce include:


Only a loose outline of each chapter of this story has formed in Jo's mind: it will be up to Muses to shape the state of this story.

OC Note: Each chapter will be one turn long. i.e. the first turnsheet action corresponds ONLY to chapter 1.

Chapter 1

In the (aftermath) of the murder of Straxia, the Wyrmlings decide on what they should do. They eventually agree that they need to go to the village where the adventurers are, although how and why they want to go there is yet to be determined.

When the Vignette first ran, the wyrmlings decided to make their way to Townsburg, the town where the adventurers came from, and to punish them non-violently by turning the people there against them. They managed to capture a human adventurer hoping to pick over the spoils called Frilbo, and currently have him tied up.

Chapter 2

Making their way down the mountain, the wyrmlings run into a fairy, who offers them a choice of three magical items: a cloak of invisibility, a sword of manslaying and a horn of sleep. What will they choose?

Chapter 3

In chapter three the the Wyrmlings submited a case against The Adventurers, attempting to get justice for Straxia's murder. They gathered evidence from Straxia's cave, trained up Frilbo as a lawyer and presented a case against the adventurers. Kyania seemed to haved swayed the peoples hearts, and the evidence prodided by Opelion and Serendebian persuaded was compelling.

Unfortunately the transmission was interrupted just before the Judge pronounced sentance on the adventuers.

It is uncertain whether it will be possible to open the Vignette again.

Chapter 4

In chapter four several years have passed since the events of the last chapter. The Adventurers had been put away for their crimes, and since then Townsberg had become the home of not just the Wyrmlings, but many monsterous species. However, the town still struggled to recover from the devestation of the catastrophe now called The Sundering.

Kyania worked hard to do her part for the town and build a livlihood as a tourism dragon, and had the idea of offering visits to other worlds through the rends in the sky. However, despite a promising start, these ambitions were threatened by burgeoning conflict between the monsters and humans of Townsberg.

Chapter 5

Chapter five picks up where chapter four left off: Kyania struggles to make her tourism business successful as the increasing tensions between humans and monsters in Townsberg threaten not just the business but the new life the Wyrmlings have built there!