====== Day 1 ====== ===== The Magnum Opus ===== Well! This is it, the final countdown: a mere 100 days remain to the publishing of my long-promised Magnum Opus! I’ll be updating you all fortnightly from now on, so you can share with me the final leg of this journey. As always, I can’t go into too much detail - wouldn’t want to accidentally spoil anything for any of you! - but I can say that, yes, it is definitely going well. Very well indeed. It is important to remember, of course, that a writer’s work is not just getting words on a page - oh no! It is equally important to give those words time to steep - to swirl around in one’s head and refine themselves into something truly worth writing. It is therefore the job of a write to provide those words with the best environment in which to grow. I myself find long walks in the park a most productive endeavour. Those hours alone with my thoughts, with no distractions (save the occasional squirrel), really let me pinpoint the essence of what it I want to put down on the page. The atmosphere on my walk this morning was particularly evocative, bringing with it that unique autumn chill and a sense of nature winding down, preparing itself for the cold months ahead. In fact, yes, that’s given me an idea! I'd best get that down quickly now, lest that fleeting feeling of frost-bitten wind through autumn leaves elude me... ===== Job Hunting ===== So, the job hunt is going about as well as readers would expect. Especially those who read my last post. The Royal College in the city couldn't offer me a position at this time - something about not having enough prior experience in a teaching position - but doesn’t one need a job to have experience? Anyway, I am quite happy with my position as Assistant Teaching Professor in Literary Studies in my local university, so I’m not too saddened by these letters. As my mother often tells me, these schools will regret their decisions once they realise they’ve just rejected a future bestselling playwright. I have yet to receive responses for my other university applications and the one to local government, so look out for that in the future. If any of my esteemed readers know of a position suitable for an English Doctorate, do let me know! I am accepting serious offers only of course. (As always, commenters who suggest fast food restaurants and the like will be blocked). ===== Cappuccino or Mocha ===== So I've been struggling to make up my mind between my two favourite drinks: cappuccinos and mochas. Of course, most of you esteemed readers will be well-familiar with the difference, but for those of you who haven't been lucky enough to taste the difference yet, let me do a quick comparison! For the uninitiated, a the Cappuccino is an espresso-based coffee from Italy, using cream instead of the standard milk. There is a layer of milky foam on top, which can be sprinkled with chocolate or, my personal favourite, cinnamon. A Caffè Mocha, on the other hand, is also based on the espresso, but has hot milk, cocoa powder and sugar added. The Mocha has an admittedly stronger taste, although I have to say I'm looking forward to having a few on cold winter evenings. At the moment, I really do find it hard to tell which I prefer. Do any of you readers want to suggest your favourite? If things really heat up, I might start a poll.