====== Day 29 ====== ===== A Cup of Jo ===== I’ve been spending a lot of time writing in my local coffee shop over the last couple of weeks. I have found the atmosphere really quite alluring. I have to say, while I would of course never give up writing, I watch the baristas behind the counter and I can’t help but think I could be happy there, too. The smell of coffee beans in the air, serving up those little cups of comfort to all these wonderful people... Perhaps, perhaps. But for now I live vicariously, watching them at work while I tap away at my Magnum Opus, my own coffee steaming beside me. It really is amazing how much joy this simple beverage can bring, you know. And so many varieties! I don’t know why I didn’t try some of these sooner. The Autumn Special here is really quite something. ===== Musical Accompaniment Wanted ===== So I was thinking for the Magnum Opus, what could be cool is to include some sort of musical score, I’m not quite sure about making it a full-fledged musical just yet, since I don’t believe I have the funds for that, especially at my current job. Though my dad used to play the harmonica, and I think I have a friend from college that dabbled in guitar – maybe I’ll give them a call. If any of my readers would like to get involved, do comment below. The Magnum Opus currently has themes of magic, wonder, love, revolution and heartfelt battle. I cannot post a draft here, obviously - I wouldn’t want to spoil it for all of you! - but I can assure you readers it would be a wonderous thing to be part of. Do let me know if you play an instrument. Maybe something out of the box? Something that doesn’t fit the classical themes of a musical. Jazz is an option.