====== Day 57 ====== ===== Beautiful Dreams ===== I've been having the most peculiar recurring dreams recently, including a strange but beautiful woman I don't recognise. I barely remember the events, which are jumbled as usual, but she stands out. Is she someone I met, but forgot? I don't think I'd forget someone like that. Maybe she's my soulmate? I find myself daydreaming of her too, doodling pictures. I can't quite decide whether I would prefer that she actually exist or not. It would be unnerving, I suppose, but perhaps I could find some explanation in that case why this is going on. Maybe this is some sort of inspiration, and I'm meant to include her in my Magnum Opus? Where would she fit, though... I'll get back to you all on this later. =====Restlessness===== I have the urge to travel, my friends. To leave this town where I live and see more of the world. Perhaps even move house? I have felt so free after quitting my job – I don’t know why I didn’t do so sooner! So much of the world I have not seen, so much I have not done! I almost regret how long I have stayed in one place. But such is life: one cannot travel endlessly (unless one happens to be so fortunate and privileged not to have to worry about money, of course). But why not? I ask myself. Why must we be shackled to our work, our desks, our daily chores? The world is so huge and beautiful, why do why chain ourselves to these systems which prevent us from seeing it? Prevent us from doing it the justice of taking in as much of its beauty and wonder as we possibly can? Yes, a vacation is in order – but I’ll keep writing, don’t you worry. The Magnum Opus is in full swing, and I do not think that anything in the world could keep me from working on it now.