======Jo TV on Demand – Jo No!====== {{ :news:jo_tv.jpg?nolink&500 |}} =====Shipping Forecast===== Vance: Today we have a very special forecast for you thirsty Muses out there. yes a very special shipping sort of forecast! Our founder Victoria Hugh-Beaumont has organized us a date night! With all the most //impressionable// couples in Spindle today! Together with a few Muses who might be getting it on later in the week. The live studio audience gathered for the special edition of the shipping forecast applauds, waving little love heart flags in the air. Vance: We have heard from Victoria that this night will feature our very own, very special Manta Grey! Surrounded by all the other couples they have managed to bring together from their appearance here on the shipping forecast. I’m sure Victoria is very excited so let’s bring it over to the Food for Thought Café shall we?? //Broadcast shifts to the food for thought, where the camera is clearly in a hidden position watching the tables, once in a while it shifts to secret cameras on each table itself, listening in to what people are saying// Vance: Amazing! So many people have shown up, but wait, where’s MantaGrey? //The broadcast zooms into an empty central table.// //An intern comes to whisper something into Vance’s ear, to which he nods gravely, clearing his throat as he continues// Vance: Ahh, I see, I have received word that unfortunately Manta and Grey, uh… can’t make it tonight! What a shame! They have a new kingdom to rule after all, they must be busy! But they uh… send their blessings, yes, they send their //blessings// to Victoria and wish her//the best// on setting other people up tonight okay let’s throw it back to the café! //Vance gestures to the screen behind them that begins to show secret camera footage from date night at Food For thought, switching between different angles and tables were appropriate.// Screen: AI and IDK, having a lively chat about far dream and the crazy things they’ve seem, IDK comes up with wacky, crazy stories, making AI laugh. Once in a while, AI has to calm their friend down from standing up to demonstrate how big the sloth they saw was, but AI doesn’t seem to mind. //The audience in the studio laughs with a sweet ‘awww’. They seem like such great friends.// Vance: You could say they //aced// that pairing! Let’s see what else our secret love cams picked up! Screen: This new view left a few live studio audience members gasping in surprise, It was Long-Tongued Jack and Dave… From Finance, sitting at a table together. Vance: I have received notes from Victoria that the two are actually long term friends, but like shy little rabbits are difficult to actually capture together! Here we have them folks! Screen: A few derogatory comments are thrown around, with Jack being upset at Dave, lecturing him like a tired housewife while Dave guilt slumps in his chair, clearly regretting making his friend so upset. The two snort at their dark jokes, and have long intense discussions with no care for the atmosphere they’re in. Vance: Oooh. What a spicy couple we have there! Looks like these two are perfect for each other, being the only two who can stand each other that is! Look at this, they’re practically married! Screen: The Camera pulls a tight zoom on Dave and Jack reaching for a shot of whiskey coloured liquid, containing melancholic memories, at the same time, Dave pulling away as Jack touches it first, his face inquisitive as Dave’s is red. Jack takes it and pours the liquid into Dave’s drink “I know how you take your coffee.” He replies exasperated, and Dave responds with a tired smile. //The Camera then cuts to a couple that gets a very small, but loud portion of the audience screaming.// Vance: Bet Wimpole and Brink Esteemed Muses give it up! Screen: two start off awkward, but with some encouragement from the secret audience, Bet thanks Brink for saving her from the tornado, they talk about justice, morals and how Brink really admires how Bet has inspired the heroes to do better in Decadent Dreams and other vignettes. Bet blushes and returns the compliment, they decide to perhaps make a date to go intimidate a poor, useless hero sometime. //The audience squeals.// Vance: Looks like we have a second date folks we HAVE a second date for Bet from The Brink! Screen: Finally, the camera lands on a couple that sends everyone into silence. The two dapper men looked like they were on a fancy dinner date in their suits. One leaning over the table, Prince Archie, who was talking animatedly to his partner, Cyrus, who was as red as a tomato as he stared into the camera. Vance: aww looks like someone’s blushing! Screen: Cyrus begrudgingly compliments his partner. //audience squeal in delight// “Oh my god he’s so handsome!” “So is Dave no? Isn’t he a more perfect partner for little ol’ Jack?” “But Cyrus is so stoic, but with such a cute interior! Archie really brings out his soft side!” Screen: Cyrus looked like he was about to kill a man as Archie stuttered at the rare compliment to him, even Vance was enthralled by this unexpected pairing of inquisitives. Vance: Well Muses that has been a truly enlightening night of new pairings to discover! We will be opening a voting poll for you to choose your favorites! Stay tuned loyal fans! ===== Advertisment ===== //Mister Sir is visible in the centre of the scene, with squirrels around him, frolicking and looking cute.// Have you ever tried to sell something that's not quite worth a whole Trope? Have you ever looked at a squirrel you want, and thought "I like it, but not quite 2 Tropes worth, and they won't sell it for 1."? If so, the Halftropes and Squirrels Banking corporation could be the solution you need. //The shot zooms into a bank note. The text reads "The Halftropes and Squirrels Banking Corporation promises to pay the bearer on demand 0.5 Tropes of Rank I".// If you cash in your Tropes with us, you can buy and sell for low low prices like 0.1 Tropes or 0.1 Squirrels. //Small print flashes past and is simultaneously spoken very fast: Terms and conditions apply. Tropes selected at the cashier's discretion. Bank notes are not themselves suitable to invoke in Vignettes. Bank notes are not legal tender. Not suitable for small children.// ===== Live-Action Vignette ===== Announcer: Breaking news Jo fans, the Magnum Opus door is open I repeat: The. Magnum. Opus. Door. Is. OPEN. Last week, a go getting muse by the name of Twist held what they called a ‘Live Action Vignette’ – this full-fledged, apparently planned flash mob gathered at the doors of hub, raiding it to literally kick down some creative doors to Jo’s mind. //She gestures to the screen behind her that broadcasts a crowd standing outside hub.// Screen: Vance Vorn and Twist are broadcasting in front of hub, hundreds of Muses rush into the station, by their fake pink hair and off brand sequined jackets, it was easy to tell that they were fans of Twist. But amongst them were also more ambiguous protesters, holding torches and pitchforks with the words FREE written on their heads. They ransack Hub. Kicking down downs to let in monsters and aliens of all species. Many even start yelling matches over Twist’s fame. Announcer: This brave Muse said many radical things during this event… Screen: There is a cut to Twist at the entrance of Hub, proudly shouting over their custom theme music, “I challenge you my fans and friends to do something different today! Help us break down the doors and raid hub! Let us break down the barriers that keep us to be BRAND. NEW. WOOOOOOORLD!!!” {{ :news:street_fight.jpg?nolink&300|}} Announcer: And as the passion ramped up, so did the violence Screen: A fight is shown in the middle of hub outside the Magnum Opus door between two crowds of rowdy muses. Ending with one getting beaten up. After them Academy inquisitives flock to tend to the fallen Muse, helping to break up the needless fight between Twist supporters and Twist haters. They also calmly control the riots to make sure other Muses aren’t hurt in the process. When Twist points at the scene and yells “Fellow Muses. Here you all see the true face of the Academy, and true face of Spindle!” Announcer: His claims seem, uh… rather unhinged and unprompted. Screen: These suits who are designed, bred to keep us from being truly creative! To Censor us and keep our ideas down, it’s their fault that Spindle is dying, it’s their fault, their selfishness that we cannot express ourselves! Announcer: Jo TV would like to exert that we do not side with this potentially insane man, nor endorse any of the things they are saying Screen: Twist continues “The reason why the Magnum Opus hasn’t opened is because of all you folk! All you Inquisitives who never allow us to reach out full potential,” He looks straight into the camera, pointing at it, “This is evidence! That the Academy represents the plague that holds Spindle back from a new age!” - **Exerpt from Jo TV’s Breaking News** ===== The Spindle Couple Awards ===== {{ :news:spindle_couple_awards.jpg?nolink&500 |}} Jo TV would like to official host an audience poll on the cutest, steamiest most followed couple in Spindle! All couples must contain more than one Muse or Impression and every week, will appear on Jo TV's shipping forecast or have bits of their relationship broadcasted on the network for everyone to see how in love you are! [OC: This would require a Minor action]. The winning couple has a chance to receive our priceless prize of the **Rank IV Trope Card: Happily Ever After** alongside other great prizes! What are you waiting for! Flaunt your love for a chance to make it big! Remember it's all audience participation so all you non-participating muses get to vote too!