====== Nightmare_Fuel Reports_A ====== ===== Entry 00001: Nightmare_Fuel ===== Due to the extreme weather patterns present throughout Dream and the strange happenings in Far Dream. The Nightmare Fuel Weather Station has decided to publish a few findings from experts on the field to be distributed to all of Spindle. These are a few excerpts from NFWS's latest data logs that we have chosen to share with Spindle. We hope you find them helpful. ===== Entry_00560: The_Pit ===== The Pit is a ring like machine in Far Dream, it seems to be some sort of Juice collecting device similar to the Juice Battery in Spindle, but has extra technologies that we have not yet identified. Mutants have appeared in Far Dream around the pit looking like tar-encrusted monsters – we also do not know the true origins of these creatures other than that they come from beneath the ground. Research on them is welcome. ===== Entry_00097: Breaking_Vignettes ===== Many Vignettes have been torn apart lately, including Children of Straxia and We All Grow Up Someday. Strange, Trope-like phenomena have also been reported in other Vignettes. This is not due to a routine power shutdown, and is instead a paranormal occurrence, aliens, one might say, or perhaps ghosts, that do not register traditional signatures of the Dreamscape. These Vignettes are now deemed no longer safe to enter without proper safety equipment – Muses will not be barred from entering but we cannot guarantee your form remains intact. ===== Entry_03475: Tornado ===== Recently there has been a tornado that has swept a path through Spindle and Pure Inspiration’s Exhibition Hall, we are currently working on where this came from though our guesses are that it is likely linked to the production of Juice increasing too fast combined with the breaking vignettes. This Tornado has obviously decimated the power supply and power outages are a regular occurrence once again. Together with the recent riots, a few pipes in hub transferring Juice to Vignettes have also shut down, and will need a few weeks to come to repair. From now on, Muses are notified that they can no longer enter said Vignettes in Hub.