====== Squirrel Mail ====== //You see many adorable fluffy squirrels around Spindle carrying little bags with the words "Read me." on them. They sometimes walk up to Muses and sit patiently for them to take one of the small USB flash drives or tiny paper scrolls from the bag. Whatever format you get it in, the content of the note is this edition of Echo Chamber. Each squirrel wears a tiny hat on which can be read the words:// //The freedom to love, the freedom to think, and the freedom to choose our own fate.// After consultation with experts in the NFWS, it has been determined that Fracking poses an existential danger to Dream. As such, the Academy has issued an Announcement of Restriction on Fracking. No Muse will be permitted to take part in or own the equipment for, the Fracking of Vignettes. Violations of this code will be met with a formal warning. Failure to comply with the formal warning will result in a Master Inquisitive filling out form 227-b. Failure to complete forms 228-b or 332-a will result in said Muse being censored. We regret that the first Fracking incident was allowed to continue for so long, and will be keeping a closer eye in future on potentially dangerous new technological developments. Now I know a lot of you are following 10 of Masks very keenly right now, and we’re amazed by the outpouring of support from the Forum for Democracy, for stepping out of the Shadows. But equally there have been skeptics, those who would say that hiding behind a mask is anything but stepping out of the shadows. Well, now it seems Ten has done exactly what he said he would. I don’t know if anyone else was at the protests outside the Academy headquarters, but when Ten called the people answered. Not just members of the Forum mind you, ordinary Muses who could see the injustice done by the Academy took to the street as well to make their voices heard. And what did the Academy do? It responded with violence. Because violence is the tool of the oppressor. Because they believe that violence is more powerful than the truth. But it is not stronger. And in doing so they have only served to further reveal who they really are. Stay Free. When the Academy increased their jamming recently, they probably thought that would be the last Spindle would hear of the Echo Chamber, but the truth will always find a way. Never again will they jam our signal over radio, thanks to my thoroughly trained squirrel couriers. Even if they find the cruelty in their hearts to hunt down our furry friends (and, knowing the Academy, of course they will), we will always find another way. The Muses of Spindle deserve the freedom to think, and the freedom to share these thoughts with whoever wants to hear. I hope you will join with me in thwarting the Academy's efforts to deny us our rights, and protect the Echo Chamber's new couriers on their brave subversive mission. At last we shall have the freedom to love, the freedom to think, and the freedom to choose our own fate! Radio Dream: Hey, all you Creative Cats out there. We Just wanted to announce that thanks to the efforts of some of our agents working theoughout Spindle, the Muses: Dr Kendrick, Dr Tangle and Porphyrius Noise were rescued from the Academy of Thought Headquarters yesterday evening. Each of these Muses had been unfairly incarcerated after speaking out against the brutality of the Academy. We wish them all the best, on the lamb, and want them to know they are welcome at the Echo Chamber whenever they would like. Live Free, my Muses. 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Get off!