Table of Contents


Dreams of a Mundane Life

Forget-Me-Not and the fierce snowleopard Snowdrop return to their room, exhausted having spent the day hunting down and slaying the terrible swamp beast of Port Meadjo. Forget-Me-Not takes off their armour, places their sword in the corner of the room, and gets ready for bed. Snowdrop jumps on them and curls up, purring. It was a good fight, and a great day. They close their eyes, and sleep peacefully drifts over them, whisking them away to the dear land of nod.

The scene briefly fades to black.

They wake. Snowdrop is no longer the fierce snowleopard, but a fluffy white house cat. The armour Forget-Me-Not had hung on the chair was made of cardboard. Their sword, a wooden stick.

“I wish our adventures were real, Snowdrop. I wish that, for once, I could wake up, and the battles we fought could have meant something.”

“Surely whatever happens in your dream is just as real as what happens when you wake?” Snowdrop purrs back. The child was shocked.

“It’s not though, is it? I dream we are amazing adventurers, the heroes of Joxford. No beast too fearsome, no risk too large. But really? I’m just a kid, with a cat. No offense.” The child sighs. “Reality is just boring; it's just so mundane.”

“Dreams are far more real that you could possibly imagine.” Snowdrop gets up onto all-fours, and jumps off the bed. As she does so, she grows into the snowleopard from Forget-Me-Not’s dream. “But the best part is, you’ll always know where to find us. You can just shut your eyes and be with us whenever you need.” She nuzzles the child’s face. “You can come back and adventure with us any time you want. We'll always be here to welcome you. And if one day you never come back, even if you forget about us, I just want you to know that we will never forget you, Forget-Me-Not.”

Forget-Me-Not closes their eyes, and drifts back off to sleep, contented. The scene fades to black a second time. The child wakes once more. Snowdrop is yet again a cat, purring gently on their chest. She looks up at her companion with a serene smile, and in a flash of a second, winks.

— The final scene in the Vig-Net entry for The Exciting Adventures of Forget-Me-Not and Friends

Transcendental Reflections

A series of reader’s letters in the Interesting Times.

Dear Editor,
I have been fascinated by recent reports that Transitions can be opened to the Transcendental under the control of Muses, as recently demonstrated in the second defeat of the Big Bad. It really does show just how exciting it is to be at the forefront of technological development. Bravo Retconnor. Very well done!
Prof. A. R. Knid

Dear Editor,
I was rather disappointed to note the speculative rubbish that you published in last week’s edition of Interesting Times. Although Prof. Knid is correct in understanding that a Transition occurred, to jump to the conclusion that it was a link to the Transcendental is absurd. Shame on you both for spreading such misinformation.
Dr. S. Corpo

Dear Editor,
Eyewitness accounts clearly showed that the Big Bad was sucked through into the Transcendental by the wormhole created by Retconnor’s new invention. I am unsure why the paper is so intent on pushing doubt when you have yet to present your own theory.
Kind regards,
Prof. A. R. Knid

Dear Editor,
It is obvious that the wormhole linked to a Vignette that looked like the Transcendental by coincidence, and this had nothing to do with what actually occurred. If what you are arguing is true, then the Transcendental would have always been trivially easy to access. Please refrain from speculation.
Kindest regards,
Dr. S. Corpo

Dear Editor,
I would like to see you enter a wormhole without flinching then. Obviously you think it would be fine if it links to a Vignette. Meet me by the ex-Jo-ology pyramid tomorrow and prove it. Bring your own Trope Card though.
Kindest and warmest regards,
Prof. A. R. Knid

Dear Editor,
It is obvious that you are full of s**t, or you’d set me a challenge you can set yourself! Don’t blame me because you believe that rubbish – do your own legwork! I’ll meet you by the pyramid though. No Tropes. Fists at dawn.
Holding you in the highest esteem,
Dr. S. Corpo

Dear Editor,
Bring it on, f**ker.
With adoration,
Prof. A. R. Knid

A note to the readers: the ‘Letters to the Editor’ column has been discontinued for the time being.