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Day 85

Strange Sights

Everything has seemed just a little off recently. It's just little things that don't look right, or feel too coincidental. I know I'm starting to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but I swear yesterday the birds in the garden started singing along to the tune I was humming. Is that something birds do? I wish I'd caught it on video.

Finn Der

I met the most extraordinary stranger just last week at my local coffee shop. An adventurer by the name of Finn Der who told me grand stories of slaying beasts and travelling around the world. He was a tad direct, and didn't enjoy much small talk, so perhaps he could be a little brash at times, but my how intriguing! I have asked to use his likeness in my stories, and he agreed. He even gave me ideas for a guilty official in the magnum opus, and indulged the dreams I've been having lately about a world called Spindle - where Muses roam and cracks in the sky threaten to demolish it. I know they sound like the ramblings of an old schmuck, a stupid world that is too convoluted to make any sense to any regular person. I would have terrible luck just finding someone to listen to me these days. But Finn certainly found them interesting… so my dream can't be that crazy, can it?

Terrible weather

Lightning storms have been raging all week. I thought at first it had broken my house's wiring, because huge sparks keep flying around inside too, but even when I leave my house it's happening everywhere else too. I can't use my laptop for fear of frying it, and sometimes when I try to write the old fasioned way with pen and paper, the paper catches fire too. I'm afraid to go near anything metal for fear of more burns, or worse. If you're reading this, I suppose I find a way to use a computer safely eventually. Maybe I could mail the text to a friend? I don't even know how widespread the problem is. I wouldn't want to leave all you loyal readers suddenly with no explanation.

What I'm most afraid of is starting a fire, but the fire extinguisher itself is metal, so I don't want to go anywhere near it! I'm amazed my house hasn't burnt down already.

As of the time of publication, Jo still hasn't been able to access their blog. Do not fear, fellow Jofluencers, for here in the Dreamscape our observations of Jo need fear no storms. Seriously, though, the lightning sounds really dangerous. We'd be eternally grateful to any Muses who can inspire Jo to a solution.