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Work In Progress has only been possible thanks to the work of its GMs:

  • Andrew K-R
  • Conor W
  • Cynthia Z
  • Ed N
  • Jaycee C
  • Nic L
  • Rowan M

The game wouldn't have been what it is without all of your tireless contributions, (very) late nights, prolific writing skills and – above all – your ridiculous imaginations.

We would also like to thank previous members of the team who made invaluable contributions to the game during its conception and construction:

  • Aleaha S
  • Izzy M
  • Leah O


Many thanks also goes to our playtesters, who were instrumental in picking up on errors, oversights, inconsistencies and potential problems that we were creating for ourselves down the line, whether large or small:

  • Anna M
  • Elynor K
  • George B
  • James W
  • Katie M
  • Michael W
  • Peyton C

Special Thanks

Thanks also goes to Than H from Jaycee for their tireless assistance with Trope Card quotes, suggestions, motivational support and endless cans of Monster. She couldn't have done it without you.

Also to Leah O for her impressive creation of the Trope Card spreadsheet and for teaching Jaycee the magic of VLOOKUP and conditional formatting. She has spent many hours tinkering with and building on Leah's work.

And, as ever, thanks to Gareth J-J as the host of the ChaosDeathFish domain. We are sad to see you go!

Other Members and Society Games

Thanks is also due to games from which we've taken wording and inspiration:

We also wish to thank whichever members of the society wrote the timeless 'Introduction' page, which doesn't seem to have changed much in at least 10 years, as well as all those contributors over many past games who have iteratively improved the society game format – we are ever grateful!

Trope Cards

Trope Card quotes have been plucked from a grand total of 306 different sources:

Books, Short Stories, Comics, Essays, Graphic Novels and Magazines (87)

Films (77)

People, Podcasts, Websites, Robots and Gravestones etc. (12)

Plays and Musicals (13)

Songs and Poems (15)

TV Shows (49)

Video Games (31)

Webcomics, Web Serials, Web Videos and Machinima (22)

Thanks to Wikipedia, TVTropes, Goodreads, Google Books, IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes and Wikiquote for making our jobs infinitely easier in finding unusual Tropes and for being an endless source of quotes (of, occasionally, dubious accuracy).

credits.1583856664.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/03/10 16:11 by gm_jaycee