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When and Where

Work In Progress will be held over 8 sessions from 7:30pm until 10:30pm on Tuesday evenings in the Daubeny Laboratory opposite Magdalen College. Players are free to arrive from 7pm onwards, though due to access being restricted there will be a friendly GM on hand on Rose Lane who will be happy to let you in and direct you the right way.

There will be an introductory session dedicated to character creation, and GMs will be there to help you create a character and provide inspiration. The final session will be a debrief, in which GMs will go over what happened in the game and where secrets and hidden plots are revealed!


Sessions are generally held every 2 weeks, though there are exceptions for Character Creation and Debrief. Though we don't expect there to be any issues, if the time, date or location of a session has to change for whatever reason we will let you know as soon as possible via email.

Session Date Week
Character Creation 15th October 2019 Tuesday, Michaelmas Week 1
Session 1 22nd October 2019 Tuesday, Michaelmas Week 2
Session 2 5th November 2019 Tuesday, Michaelmas Week 4
Session 3 19th November 2019 Tuesday, Michaelmas Week 6
Session 4 3rd December 2019 Tuesday, Michaelmas Week 8
Session 5 21st January 2020 Tuesday, Hilary Week 1
Session 6 4th February 2020 Tuesday, Hilary Week 3
Session 7 18th February 2020 Tuesday, Hilary Week 5
Session 8 3rd March 2020 Tuesday, Hilary Week 7
Debrief 10th March 2020 Tuesday, Hilary Week 8


The Daubeny Laboratory is opposite Magdalen College, and access will be provided through the car gate just off Rose Lane. A GM will be on hand from 7pm until 7:30pm to provide access, and in the event that you arrive late please contact GM Jaycee on 07928 376711 to let you in.

Access is completely stair free, and toilets can be accessed just outside of the room - though there is a single stair to reach them. If there is anything we can do to assist with accessibility, please do let us know and we will do our best to help.

Directions to the Daubeny Laboratory.

Other Events

One-shot games will be running on Tuesdays or Thursdays, depending on whether there is a session that week. Details will be advertised on the society mailing lists.

Date Week Event(s) Time and Location
18th October 2019 Friday, Michaelmas Week 1 CryptoNet Supernatural Convention 7:30pm at the Daubeny Laboratory, Magdalen College
24th October 2019 Thursday, Michaelmas Week 2 Crossing the Bar 7:30pm at the Harris Seminar Room, Oriel College
29th October 2019 Tuesday, Michaelmas Week 3 The Tiber Runs Red 7:30pm at St John's College
7th November 2019 Thursday, Michaelmas Week 4 Playing Against Type (Redux) 7pm at the Larkin Room, St John's College
12th November 2019 Tuesday, Michaelmas Week 5 WHERE NO MAN HAS GONE BEFORE 7pm at the Larkin Room, St John's College
21st November 2019 Thursday, Michaelmas Week 6 Water? 8pm at the Harris Seminar Room, Oriel College
26th November 2019 Tuesday, Michaelmas Week 7 THEY CAN'T STOP ALL OF US 7:30pm at the Harris Seminar Room, Oriel College
5th December 2019 Thursday, Michaelmas Week 8 Society Game: The Society Game: The One Shot 7:30pm at the Larkin Room, St John's College
23rd January 2020 Thursday, Hilary Week 1 The Bee Game 8pm at the Harris Seminar Room, Oriel College
28th January 2020 Tuesday, Hilary Week 2 Welcome to Hell! 7pm at the Larkin Room, St John's College
6th February 2020 Thursday, Hilary Week 3 Calm Before the Moon 7:15pm at the Upstairs Games Room, House Cocktail Bar
11th February 2020 Tuesday, Hilary Week 4 …And I Feel Fine 7pm at the Larkin Room, St John's College
20th February 2020 Thursday, Hilary Week 5 Uncanny Valley 7pm at Fitzjames 1, Merton College
26th February 2020 Wednesday, Hilary Week 6 Murder in the Roaring Spenties (Space Twenties)
5th March 2020 Thursday, Hilary Week 7 Extreme Babysitting
12th March 2020 Thursday, Hilary Week 8 Crossover
when_and_where.1582456199.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/02/23 11:09 by gm_jaycee