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“Thank you everyone for joining us, today we'll be discussing Jo's new obsession with Caramel lattes, and whether it will be a lasting trend within his life. Those with your hands up please abstain until the end of the viewing to voice your opinions. I understand this is a matter of great contention and kno- Excuse me, sir can you please sit down, sir, please, no yelling in the venue… please ah- oh god not the face NOT THE F-” <cite>


A viewing society and fandom dedicated to the hot, old reality TV show that is Jo’s life! Young or old, rich or poor - every Muse has a stake in their choices.

The Jodom see Jo not only as the entity in which they live, but as a character in themselves. They cry over their relationships, celebrate their victories and cheer them on through hard times. Jo’s slump has struck them all particularly hard since not only their livelihood but their idol's life is threatened. Members of Jommunity tend to be anywhere from mildly interested to absolutely passionate about Jo's life as a form of entertainment, as well as a way to gain influence within society.

Many savvy entrepreneurs made their start in Jommunity, building their influence through understanding what the fans want from Jo and pandering to them. But the opportunity to make it big as a Jofluencer has only expanded with the talk of Jo's Magnum Opus coming into the forefront once more. Imagine being the person to direct the Jodom for aeons to come - you'd go down as a legend.


A relatively recent association, most intellectuals roll their eyes at the idea of Muses screaming and holding multicoloured banners as Jo picks their choice of cereal for breakfast, but Cassie Vel didn’t care. She started the club with a few friends back when they were early little Muselets, looking for some form of entertainment to inspire them. Since then the club has grown into a Dream-side sensation, with fundraisers every year and more and more people keen to keep up with Jo’s life. Cassie was content with what she had created, a group of people eager to spread happiness and obsession over something that mattered to all of them.

But Jommunity, as it came to be called, suffered from the same pitfalls all expanding organisations do, and Cassie lost control of what she had created. As Jommunity attracted more members, different sorts of entities began to emerge - ones with very different priorities to what the initial ethos of the Jodom was meant to be. There were overcalculating types that insisted Jo’s favorite coffee was an iced caramel latte with soy milk, and would flame any Muse who would even suggest otherwise. There were even theorists that said the fact that Jo folded his shirts left-to-right instead of right-t-left on the second Tuesday of the month signified that he wouldn’t eat salmon for dinner on the Thursday. Muses started to run betting circles: would Jo get a call from their mother today as usual, or tomorrow because her bingo game runs every third week of the month? Tune in this Friday for the Thrilling conclusion!!

The ethos of Jommunity had run away from its initial creator: it had become a scheming, fame hungry throng of Muses competing over who can shout louder. But even within them, a few 'true fans' still exist, humbly enjoying watching Jo’s life with no need to get into the discourse. Which will you be?

Jo! Jo! Jo! Jo!


Jo TV is the central product emerging from Jommunity: a cable network subcription which has different channels all dedicated to looking at Jo's life from different ways, reflecting branches of the Jodom within Jommunity. These include documentary-like discussions on Jo's preferences, a news channel summarising Jo's day, shopping channels advertising the latest JoMerch and even fan produced sketch shows reliving Jo's favourite moments from the past.

Jofluencers of Note

  • Cassie Vel: The Retired founding member of Jommunity. She has grown weak and sombre in her older age, and regrets creating Jommunity as she feels like her ideas are misrepresented within the association. Wants to love Jo in the ways she used to, but it’s just not the same since the betting rings started.
  • Randall: A bookie who runs the betting circles within Jommunity. Made their claim to fame a few years ago during Jo’s fashion crisis and now runs a weekly lottery with ever expanding prizes of rare Trope Cards - it's unclear where they get them from. Non-members are allowed to participate too, but funds come and go straight into Jommunity.
  • Vance Vorn: A cable anchor on Jo TV, with a seemingly endless ability to talk about every aspect of Jo from every angle.
  • Brother JoSeph: Runs a weekly 'experience sharing session' in the west seminar room within Jommunity's shared building, co-headed by Reverent JoSephine and Sister JoBethany.


The fashion is whatever Jo is currently wearing or into at the moment. Some casual Muses interpret that as a loose style which morphs slowly over time, whereas the more hardcore in the Jodom copycat Jo exactly from day to day.

This can result in some confusion, with many Muses all wearing exactly the same things, though many like to put their own small spin on things.

Play Jommunity if you...

  • Want to have a lot of fluff, both with other characters and in the world of Dream.
  • Would like to create businesses and schemes within the game.
  • Enjoy the lighter, more satirical tones of Work In Progress.
  • Would like to find inner peace through accepting Jo in your heart.
  • Adhere to the idea that rules are a suggestion and like to hustle your way to the top.
  • Want to immerse yourself in the ridiculous and straight-up weird.
jommunity.1569350118.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/09/24 18:35 by gm_jaycee