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Sample Turnsheet

To give you more of an idea of how Turnsheets work, here are some examples of the sort of thing we're expecting for actions. We've written these in three different styles, so that you get an idea of the different ways you can write them.

Action 1

Is this a Vignette action?

Yes (Sword Quest IV)


Make Jexicar finally confront the dragon in Sword Quest IV by having it gatecrash his wedding.

Details and Plan

We've been stringing this out and bigging up how scary the dragon is for plenty long enough already, and if we don't actually introduce the dragon soon, it'll start to get boring. I'm not actually good enough at Sculpt to make a whole lair, so I'll just introduce it into the current last scene instead. I'll be playing the dragon, using my Eldritch Horror card to make it extra big and scary.

I'm expecting Maudire to be playing the celebrant at the wedding and foreshadowing my arrival. I'll make a dramatic entrance through the ceiling or window or something, smoosh some loved ones by landing on them (I may be Weak at Strife, but they're just unnamed extras anyway), and grab some more guests before trying to fly off with them. I'll leave slowly and gloat a bit to rile up Jexicar into fighting me, although I expect he'll want to anyway. Then I'll fly up high enough that if he shot and killed me, the loved ones would fall to their death, too, and leave him to agonise about that for a bit before possibly making my escape. I don't really care whether the dragon survives or not, so long as it dies in a sufficiently cool way.

If he's being too competent and fighting the dragon before it finishes doing its thing, I'll quickly switch characters to some human standing close to him and try to make a distraction. If the dragon then goes off-script once I leave the Impression to play it, I'll try to at least stop it killing the protagonist.

Relevant Skills, Quirks and Trope Cards

  • Eldritch Horror mentioned in plan.
  • Adaptive: backup to railroad harder.
  • Adroit: using Eldritch Horror.
  • Weak Strife (Justice): Distracting Jexicar if necessary to give the dragon a chance to escape. Smooshing loved ones.

Other Characters and NPCs Involved

  • Maudire, on set-up.
  • Jexicar asked for something more exciting, so he'd better not mess this up.

Action 2

Is this a Vignette action?



Attend the weekly Sharing Seminar with Brother JoSeph and try to determine if they are spreading memeifiable ideas to the public.

Details and Plan

  • Gather as much information as possible. If they are spreading ideas that could potentially memeify or intend to broadcast their ideas. Report to Paul Francis.
  • Appear attentive through the meeting and try to blend-in and seem interested as much as possible.

Relevant Skills, Quirks and Trope Cards

  • Sculpt (Moderate Justice): Make a cloak/clothing that matches those of Brother JoSeph and others, to convince them that I might be interested in their cause.
  • Seek (Moderate Justice): Are they spreading memeifying ideas? Are they holding Muses hostage? Have they caused anyone to Fade as the Rumours say? Focus on seeing if they are doing anything worthy of Censoring.
  • Criminal Underworld (+): Maybe I'll be able to get hold of kind of rogue Trope that'll help me out with the detective work.

Other Characters and NPCs Involved

  • Brother JoSeph
  • Sister JoBethany

Action 3

Is this a Vignette action?



Go out into the Dreamscape to try and get hold of some kind of something for an evil overlord to travel around in.

Details and Plan

I've been commissioned to go out into the Dreamscape to see if I can find a brand new Trope card no-one's ever had before. They want some kind of evil overlord transportation vessel, and mentioned zeppelins, flying aircraft carriers etc. Bit over the top, but what do I know?

I know that Beyond-Wake-And-Sleep mentioned sightings of a flying sailing ship not that long ago, cause I heard a report from a covert FIF agent in NSFW about it causing trouble round that way. I'm gonna go along Pratt and Visage to see what we can find - and we'll bring backup! Axxe and Pandora should be able to bring it down once we're there.

Once we've captured it, we should be able to get a valuable Trope Card out of it, which we can trade in for our reward!

Relevant Skills, Quirks and Trope Cards

  • Allies (+): I've got backup from Pratt and Visage - they know what they're doing!
  • Seek (Mod. Justice): Find out what kind of damage that airship's been doing, and why it's suddenly turned up now. Once we know more about it, then it's Axxe and Pandora's turn to get on board and get it under our control.

Other Characters and NPCs Involved

Pratt, Visage, Axxe, Pandora, whoever's got that ship.

Minor Actions

  • Attend Industry's fancy dress party, dressed as a cat.
  • Give MC Stellar my Royal Offspring in exchange for their Peacful Death
sample_turnsheet.1570480594.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/10/07 20:36 (external edit)