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Think Training

“Are you sure about this, Prof? There are a lot of buttons.”

You stare worriedly a the huge array of controls laid out in front of you in the Think Train’s cockpit.

“Absolutely. Honestly, flying this thing is more of an art than a science. I’m not sure any of these even do anything consistently – except the steering wheel, that’s usually what does the steering. Just start with whichever one feels right.”

You bite your lip and survey the myriad controls, looking for the one that could be the ignition. You start to tentatively reach for a particularly large red button.


“What? What’s wrong? I thought you said anything would be fine!”

Prof Bismuth plucks a captain’s hat off a hook and plonks it down on your head. “Now you’re ready.”

You smack the big red button and the Think Train roars to life.

“Same time tomorrow?” You ask hopefully.

“No, Cal.”

“Awwww, come onnnn Professor! What, have you got a lecture or something? Can’t you cancel it and have some fun for once?”

“No, Cal,” Says Prof with a smile, “I mean you don’t need me around to drive the Train anymore.” He holds the keys out and dangles them in front of you.

Mustering all the solemnity you can, you carefully take them from him, and hold them tight in your hand. “Really? You think I’m ready?”

“Yes, really. Besides, this thing’s sturdier than it looks. It can take a few bumps and scrapes.” He pats the console lovingly. A panel pops out and clatters to the floor. “Ahem. Usually.”

You both chuckle.

“I, ah, also got you this,” the Prof adds, pulling something out of his pocket. It’s a small badge with a picture of the Think Train on it.

“I love it! Thank you!” You pin it immediately onto your lapel.

Here for a Good Time

“Wow, Cal, these cookies are great!”

“Yeah! And just…thanks for organising this. Between Vignettes and TEAR, I’ve been so busy lately. It’s nice just to…hang out.”

“Calcifer…why did you have to invite your LARPer Impression? Or, better question, why did you have to invite my LARPer Impression?”

“Hey! Hey, AI! Look! I got a new patch!”

“Nice, Cal! Wait…is that me?”


“What the…where did you get that? Calcifer, no. Put it back. Calcifer…Cal! Aaah!”

Sounds of laughter echo into the distance.

“Today was the best day ever!”

“You always say that!”

“And I always mean it.”

Found Family



The two Muses hug each other. Cal bounces energetically along next to Archie as he makes his way into the house. The two catch up with each other, asking how their respective days have been, while Archie fixes tea in a mug which reads “#1 Dad”.

“So I was thinking…” says Calcifer, “could we try that fantasy Vignette again tomorrow?”

The Wizard’s Folly? We beat it, didn’t we? I’d say I well and truly showed that dragon what-for, and you – stealing the necromancer’s book out from right under his nose! I still don’t know how you pulled that one off.”

“Yes, but what if this time I play the knight and you play the thief?”

“Really? You think you’re up to it?”

“Yeah! I’ve been practicing fighting, just like you showed me.” Calcifer adopts a competent defensive pose, fists raised in front of them.

“I don’t know…”

“Come on, Dad.” Calcifer narrows their eyes. “You have been practicing your Subvert, haven’t you?”

Archie shifts uncomfortably. “Well, yes, but, you know, with all the Wardens business…”

“Ugh, Dad, you can’t even lie well. That’s settled then – we’re going back there because you need some practice.”

eternity/calcifer.txt · Last modified: 2020/03/10 12:49 by gm_jaycee