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Death of the Author

“Good work, Arial!”

“You too, Thomas. See you tomorrow!” The Warden waves her friend goodbye as she takes off her cap and walks home.

On the big screen hanging off the Hall of Opinions, JoTV is broadcasting Jo’s life, as usual. They have been in hospital for quite some time now. They are very old - has been, for quite a long time now.

Arial is not an old Muse. She doesn’t remember the time when Jo was young.

Arial is young. She doesn’t really understand old age.

She walks past the shell-like Exhibition Hall. Colourful banners flag in the summer breeze. “The 40th Anniversary of the Publication of the Magnum Opus”. “Special Exhibition: Beneath the White Sand - Genealogy of Jo’s Inspiration”. “Competition of the Year: Rivers and Flows - Works Inspired by the MO”. The young Warden couldn’t help but smile.

The Wardens, alongside the inspectors and Impression advisors from TEAR helped the Creative Commons set up those shows. She’s had the chance to see some of those works before the opening of the show and they were so very exciting.

And the young artist that she met the other day, Ever Times… His work was beautiful but abstract, aloof in a way she’s only seen in PI works from before the Tarot Crisis, yet when they spoke, she found that he is friendly and down to earth, with ideas that are absolutely fascinating…

As she walks past Food For Thought Cafe, she sees that it is all pink and sparkly, with heart-shaped posters everywhere announcing the date of the next Date Night. Arial blushes a little, she’s not sure why.

A few lizards run past her, delivering urgent intels regarding the Squirrel-Fox war to HSBC and the Squirrel Embassy.

She smiles as they scuttle along, but is surprised when one stops before her.

“Ma’am, a letter for you.”

“How very kind of you.” She tips the lizard, wondering who the letter could be from. As she opens it, in immaculately neat handwriting, it-

eternity/death_of_the_author.txt · Last modified: 2020/03/10 12:34 by gm_jaycee