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Nightmare_Fuel Reports_C

Entry 05481: Concept-sighting in Spindle

A suspected Concept whose appearance resembles the FFT Muse Zeno exactly has been sighted in Spindle. Their distinction has been demonstrated by them appearing together, sitting side by side in Food For Thought. I have personally bore witness to this strange event. Apparently, the two Zenoes met at the bottom of the Vignette Descent, where another crack to the Transcendental exists. Perhaps, that is where the Concept-Zeno emerged from, or where rather, where the Concept-Zeno Projects itself from? This discovery raises many questions. Is this Concept the Concept of Zeno? If so, does every Muse have an associated Concept (like Zeno)? Does every imaginable Concept exist, e.g. the Concept of the Transcendental, or the Concept of Concepts? And ultimately, what are Concepts, anyway?

Entry 09405: Intelligent Beings in Far Dream

Recent sources have suggested sightings of other intelligent animals in Far Dream besides the lizards. One is a Dragon, but it is unclear if it is an impression belonging to the 'Fungeon' vignette, or is a different kind of lifeform altogether. Some even suggest that it is a very old Muse, who has transcended its human form. The second beast sighted is a giant fox, personality traits include a general sleepiness and desire to not be bothered. However, this fox has been sighted to have some incredible properties - particularly in its diet. It has been reported to eat entire vignettes whole. An aspect that we expect to be following up on soon.

Entry 62201: Closure of WAGUS

The memory based Vignette known as We All Grow Up Someday is now closed, its door will be removed from hub soon on the account of the fabric of the vignette itself being ripped apart by an entity referring to itself as 'The Big Bad'. While it no longer roams there, resident vignette specialist Fisheye has shown that the amphitheatre that one made up the vignette is now a mere music box, overturned on the tearing paper ground of the vignette. We are still in search of where the vignette's main Impression has gone, any updates on their location are welcome.

Entry 62269: Abnormal Weather Report: Juice Flood in Vignettes

There has been an abnormal flood of Juice detected in several Vignettes. Two sources have been currently identified: Descent and WAGUS. The sudden Juice influx has caused severe disruption to their Narrative flow and structural integrity. It is postulated that the Juice flood contributed to WAGUS's collapse. The flood as overflown into neighbouring Vignettes such as Mirror Maze and Ascent as well. The cause of flooding is under investigation and we will appreciate any intel on the phenomenon.

Entry 62277: Mirror Maze: Potential Safety Hazard

We have detected structural damage in the gothic/fantasy Vignette Mirror Maze, potentially due to the conflict between the entities known as “The Big Bad” and “The Protagonist” and the Juice flood from neighbouring Vignettes. Though the Vignette still stands and appears in general safe, we advise caution when approaching it. A surprising number of Transitions have been found forming in Mirror Maze, potentially due to its nature as defined in its Narrative, which could damage its stability. There is also worrying reports on “Ascent expanding into Mirror Maze”. The truthfulness of such reports is yet under investigation.

news/nightmare_fuel/6.txt · Last modified: 2020/02/04 01:38 by gm_jaycee