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The following footage is incredibly shaky and the camera is rarely very high above the ground. As you watch, it becomes apparent that it is recorded from a camera mounted to the head of a small rodent, probably a squirrel.

There is swirling water all around for several seconds, and then suddenly there is only darkness. Or, mostly darkness. After some scampering, a few shafts of light come into view, poking through what appears to be a small grille or air vent. Muffled voices can be heard from beyond the vent, including a panicked cry of “They’re in the walls!

The squirrel wearing the camera kicks hard at the vent, busting it out of the wall. Beyond, you see a room containing Jo, Jacqueline, Morgana Shadestalker, Tek Tempest, and That Shady Guy. The squirrel tosses a round object which it had been carrying into the room, and leaps in after it.

The round object bursts open when it hits the ground, and a further eleven squirrels emerge.

With trained military precision, the squirrels fly into action. Two of them quite literally: a pair of grey flying squirrels take to the air and dive at Jacqueline’s head. A particularly long-haired and aggressive one scurries along the ground and starts gnawing at her leg. The one which leapt from the vent climbs atop Jo’s desk and… appears to be squeaking orders at the others. Another three take up defensive positions around Jo, while three more leap up and ineffectually attempt to grapple Jacqueline’s limbs. A final two, each wearing tiny wizard hats and wielding little wands, point their wands at her. Gusts of air burst forth, sending paper and small objects flying (including one of the other squirrels which happened to get caught in the line of fire).

Jacqueline is pushed off-balance trying to shake the furry menace loose, and stumbles backwards. One of the air-blasts from the wizard squirrels strikes her gun-hand at the same time one of the other squirrels bites it. The gun goes is thrown across the room. It lands with a thud and a particularly burly squirrel bounds over to it and crouches over it, making angry chittering noises. Jacqueline collapses into a chair and finally shakes the last squirrels free. They split into two teams, each taking up defensive positions around the gun and around Jo.

“What the fuck?” Jacqueline looks around, nursing the wound on her hand. Then she laughs in disbelief. “So this is how it ends? Just when I think I know who I am and the part I play, fate finds a way to surprise me again. So my hamartia is, what, hubris? Egotism? That I thought myself the catalyst to this final choice, with no way out but to kill or be killed…when in reality I was only ever one woman, especially here in this world, and all it took to disarm me was the most ridiculous strike force Dream could muster.”

“Ridiculous?” Says Jo, “I think they’re cute.” A particularly fluffy one has curled up on Jo’s lap and they are scratching it behind the ears. “You know, I’ve been thinking an awful lot about squirrels recently.”

There’s a round of interrogative squeaking amongst the squirrels, who seem to be having a disagreement. Those around Jo seem to have made themselves quite comfortable, while the gun team keep squeaking and pointing at the round object they arrived in. Eventually, the gun team give up their debate. Four of them willingly leap back into the object (a space far too small to naturally hold all of them, but somehow they fit), while the fifth burly one picks up the gun, and the sixth, the one wearing the camera, picks up the Dodecahedron. The view bobs up and down as the two squirrels bound out of the room, and suddenly the scenery around them reverts to the scene immediately outside the Pit in Far Dream. The recording ends.

news/squirrel_cam.txt · Last modified: 2020/03/03 03:09 by gm_jaycee