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Foundation of Secrets

Content Warnings

  • Extreme violence and gore.
    • This Vignette has a realistic, gritty tone. Light horror may occur in the form of extreme gore, body horror and excess violence.
  • Indiscriminate violence.
    • The creature the Foundation is hunting may engage in indiscriminate violence against the citizens of Fox Lake.
  • Self-harm.
    • Ritual bloodletting may occur in order to cast magic, though this will not occur to a player character unless they have specified that they wish to do so.


Magic is real – and terrifying. The Foundation is a secretive organisation which has been operating from the shadows for many years, working to keep the public safe in ignorance. They operate as plain-clothes agents who seek out and neutralise magical threats to the civilian population. Most are trained to some degree in the magical arts, though they are never to reveal the use of magic to anyone outside of the organisation. This Vignette follows a small team of Foundation agents as they investigate an unusual death, and the sacrifice they must make to ensure a town's safety.


This Vignette takes place in Fox Lake: a small town in Canada. The town is relatively remote, surrounded by conifer forest on three sides and a lake on the fourth. It is present day, though the remote location of the town means that mobile phone reception and other modern-day conveniences are not always available.

Key Impressions

Note that “Witch” is used by the Foundation as a gender-neutral term to refer to any agent with significant magical ability.

  • Detective Kesler: Playable. The most senior member of the local police force.
  • Ylva Berglund: Playable. A Foundation Agent. Nominally the leader of the team.
  • Melissa Gyasi: Playable. A Foundation Witch. Well-versed in combat magic.
  • Antonio Garcia: Playable. A Foundation Witch. Specialises in protective wards and the like.
  • Xavier Belarus: Playable. A Foundation Agent.
  • Amelie Dupont: Not Playable. The young journalist.
  • The Creature: Playable. An inhuman monster comprised mainly of claws and teeth.
  • There is scope for additional Playable Foundation agents, though the team cannot exceed five people.


  • 1: A body has been found. The local police put it down to a bear attack, but a plucky young reporter thinks there’s more to it. An unusual newspaper headline attracts the attention of the Foundation agents.
  • 2: The journalist is intrigued by the appearance of the mysterious individuals – the Foundation agents – who she sees talking with the police. The agents, posing as family of the deceased, dissuade her from asking further questions.
  • 3: The curious journalist attempts to follow the agents into the woods that night, but is left behind when her friend suffers an accident. The agents ambush the creature, though their strongest fighter is hurt badly and the creature manages to retreat.
  • 4: Determined to stop the creature before it reaches the town, the unhurt agents are forced to make a terrible choice. They enact a powerful ritual, sacrificing their injured comrade in order to banish the creature before more damage is done.
vignette/foundation_of_secrets/2.txt · Last modified: 2019/11/05 15:28 by gm_jaycee