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The Great Work

Content Warnings



An alchemist, seeking to prove his worth to the world, sets out to create a homunculus. This succeeds, but the homunculus dislikes being a test subject and starts studying alchemy as well.


The entire Vignette is set inside the alchemist's lab. It's dimly lit, with a huge assortment of leftover things in jars from previous projects, and strange smells filling the air.

Key Impressions

  • The Homunculus: Playable. A small humanoid made of clay. Highly talented at alchemy, among other things, and unhappy with its condition.
  • The Alchemist: Not Playable. A renowned alchemist, creator of the homunculus, vain and hot tempered. Doesn't believe the homunculus is a person, as he didn't give it a soul.
  • The Apprentice: Playable. The alchemist's apprentice. Sympathetic to the homunculus.
  • The Other Homunculus: Playable. A homunculus made by the first homunculus to prove a point. It looks and behaves identically to the alchemist, and is upset about finding out it isn't human.


  • 1: The alchemist and apprentice have an argument. The alchemist commits to making a homunculus to prove to everyone how talented he is.
  • 2: The alchemist labours for many years. The homunculus gradually takes shape.
  • 3: The homunculus confronts the alchemist about his treatment of it. There's an argument about whether it has a soul or not. It reveals the homunculus it made, to prove its point. The apprentice and homunculus end up leaving together.
vignette/the_great_work/6.txt · Last modified: 2020/02/04 00:49 by gm_jaycee